Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Out with the new, in with the old...

Hello hello, I've not written anything in a few days as I've been busy working and trying to organise an enormous amount of clothes to sell on eBay which is probably one of the most tedious tasks ever. Most of these clothes are old vintage pieces I've picked up here and there so it inspired me to do a post on vintage clothes and more importantly charity shop gems. I know a lot of people who wouldn't shop for vintage clothes because number one they usually smell like a musty granny and two because someone's already worn them. For me though that's exactly the appeal. I don't know why but I love the idea that someone somewhere wore the clothes that I'm now wearing and loved them, is that weird? maybe. I just think that vintage clothes are great because there's usually only ever one of everything so you'll always have an individual piece and the price is usually very reasonable (unless you're looking at vintage Chanel, that's pricey!) If I'm honest I would absolutely love to be able to afford designer vintage pieces but sadly they're just not in my price range, sometimes you find the odd designer scarf while rummaging through a basket in a charity shop though which is always great. The only designer thing I've ever come across was a Christian Dior men's silk shirt and I actually didn't even know it was designer until I got it home, which was a lovely surprise. Mainly though vintage pieces would usually be between £10-40 which is decent enough, especially if you consider that Urban Outfitters have now got Urban renewal where they "re-do" vintage pieces and slap a big old price tag on them and people actually buy these things just because Urban Outfitters sell them! Come on girls and boys, if you went to your local charity or vintage shops you'd find these things for half the price and you could do them up yourselves. I'm not trying to criticise Urban Outfitters here I mean they're one of my favourite shops but I think that paying that amount of money for re-worked denim shorts is a sin when you could find a pair of old jeans and cut them up yourself. Be wise with your money people! I suppose I say this because I don't have endless amounts of money so I'm always trying to find a bargain wherever I go, but no one should throw their money away like that. I used to work in a vintage shop in Belfast before I moved over to Liverpool and something that I found a lot of customers saying was that they didn't know where to begin to look because nothing is laid out on a mannequin for them. I understand that Topshop has things laid out beautifully and it's therefore easier to find but if you actually take the time to rummage through charity shops I promise you you'll find some hidden gems. If that is your idea of hell then you could try some online vintage boutiques or even vintage fairs, they have less things and usually only display their best pieces so less crap to go through. Recently in Belfast a new type of Vintage fair has popped up, Lola's Vintage is a kilo sale which means that you pay for your clothes per kilo (£20 per kilo) so you could get yourself about 3 or 4 items depending on weight for £20, what a great idea! These fairs are held every month and they have some amazing clothes there, it's especially great because there's cakes and drinks and a DJ playing so you can have a boogie while rummaging. The next one hasn't been announced yet but if you search for them on Facebook "Lola's Vintage" the page will keep you up to date on everything. 
Another great page that I found on Facebook is called "Come Together Clothing" the owner Kirsty sources all the best vintage clothes from up and down the country and brings them to fairs mainly in Birmingham, Redditch, Chester & Liverpool. 
Vintage fairs are great to find one off pieces and they're usually a bit more expensive as the clothes are hand picked, but if you're looking for cheap pieces that are one offs and something a bit different then I urge you to go to your local charity or vintage shop. The charity shop money goes to a great cause and the owners are always so grateful for business in a world dominated by high street. It may not always be your thing but there's no harm in looking, so give it a go! You never know what you might find :)
Love and kisses,

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