It's nearly Christmas and every year the one thing I associate with extreme excitement is extreme stress. I'm certain that lecturers get a kick out of giving out loads of work before, during and after Christmas, hence my lack of blogging. Anyway I thought I'd take a break from having a meltdown to write a quick blog about how excited I am to go home to the Emerald Isle for three weeks of snow, bitter cold and my ma's cooking. One thing that I love about Christmas in Belfast is that the city comes alive, despite the cold and despite silly people protesting about silly things (we'll say no more). Town really does look beautiful on a cold winters night when you're shopping and you stop off in the Christmas market for a mulled wine and some Dutch pancakes. I heard recently that our Christmas market was voted the best in the UK, I'm not sure if this is true or just a rumour but I'd believe it was true. The atmosphere and friendliness of my little city is hard to compare to and despite all of our differences and everything you see on TV, we're great craic.
Of course I'd end up talking about clothes somewhere in this post so I thought I'd encourage you all to get down to the next Lola's Vintage Kilo sale on the 7th of December in The Black Box. The last time I got to one of these was in the summer and sadly as I'm in Liverpool I've missed every one since. I'd really advise you to get down early (it starts at 10am) and the last time I got down there I was told there were queues around the corner before it even opened! If you're working that day never fear as they replenish stock all day long so you could even nip round on your break or after work and get yourself some goodies. And if you don't have the money before Christmas to splash out then even just pop round for a cupcake and a boogie as the tunes will be provided all day by the Ackright boys, and they know how to have a party.
As well as this I am happy to announce I will finally make an event run by the lovely ladies as they have another project on the go. The Rag and Bone at Made in Belfast is a weekly event and combines a rag&bone and rail sale. Vintage lovers can bring along vintage or pre-loved clothes they no longer want and trade them in for money towards their Lola's Vintage buys. The event is running every Sunday from 11-3 with £3 cocktails and brunch specials available. If the Vintage doesn't lure you in then surely the £3 cocktails will?! *I've linked the Facebook Events for both of these at the end of this post*
It's so so lovely to know that Belfast is awash with things to do this Christmas, from clothes fairs to Christmas markets and lovely new bars and restaurants opening (Hello Aether & Echo you look class!) I really can't wait to get home and try them all out. When I lived in Belfast I always found myself complaining that there was nothing to do, and now that I've moved out it seems like there's a new club night or shop opening every week! I do love Liverpool and I'll probably always find myself moving on to bigger cities and anywhere where I can find new shops to shop in, but it's true what they say... there's no place like home.
Love & Kisses,
Rag and Bone -
Lola's Vintage Kilo Sale -
Tuesday, 3 December 2013
Sunday, 10 November 2013
Friday, 8 November 2013
Polyvore I love you...
So Recently I have become a big fan of Polyvore. I've always used it to search for clothes and just to generally keep up with current fashions but I've started to make my own "sets" on it. When you make a set you're basically just creating a wish list of everything you want to buy. Or in real life, never will buy but you just want to put together an outfit of it anyway because you live in hope that one day you'll own it. I'm hoping to start using Polyvore more and more so if you're on there and want to follow me you can find me under the username "whatktwore". If you're not on Polyvore I suggest you start to use it immediately, even if you don't want to make sets it's great to help you find something you like or want. One of the best things about it is that when you click on an item, say a really expensive pair of boots, it will bring up all the items similar (and cheaper) so you can find an alternative to suit your budget, yay! Basically Polyvore rules man, get on that shit.
Friday, 25 October 2013
It's ma birthdayyy...
Sooo seeing as I never do outfit posts and I'm long overdue one I thought I'd may as well do one on my birthday when you're supposed to look nice. I don't usually do these as I am the most over critical human alive and hate every photo of myself ever, but I thought I might as well suck it up so forced my sister into taking a million photos of me until I decided on the "acceptable" ones. I didn't go for a really amazing fancy birthday outfit simply because I only went out for a meal and some drinks with my family, god being 20 has really turned me into a pensioner. Of course I'll be celebrating when I'm back in Liverpool (on Halloween night) so I will post plenty of pictures for a "What Katie Wore Halloween special". I never really know what to do with myself in these photos to correctly show off what I'm wearing, but I'll talk you through my outfit anyway. Firstly my trusty black fedora is from Primark and probably my favourite possession as I wear it EVERYWHERE. The top is something I picked up on a whim in ARK clothing, I think this only exists in England but you can find it online here if you don't live in the UK. I love the crochet detail around the bottom because it makes me feel like a cross between a Gothic bride and Stevie Nicks all at once. The shorts are from Miss Selfridge and I actually was only drawn to them because of the lace detail on them and the lovely free belt, I wouldn't usually shop there that often but I was pleasantly surprised by some little gems in there. My chelsea boots from Topshop were a gift for my birthday and I LOVE THEM!! They're brown which is usually a big no no for me when wearing black but because of the style of the leather they almost look worn out and slightly verging on ox blood so I convinced myself this was okay, I think it was? My jewels are pretty much always from the same places because 1. I'm sort of in a serious love affair with Primark jewellery these days, it's amazing! and 2. I can't afford expensive jewellery. These earrings are actually from Forever 21 which recently opened in Liverpool and they were dirt cheap which is exactly what I like. The choker is from Topshop, my watch is Michael Kors and all of the rings as said before are Primark.
I hope you enjoyed this little taster of my birthday outfit, I am now tucked up in bed in my onesie slightly drunk off one large glass of wine and delirious from my 5am flight/lack of sleep, I'm a really mad 20 year old.
Thursday, 17 October 2013
Bleach London how I love thee..
I've been really awful at blogging this last 3 weeks because I've felt a bit of bloggers block. I know what I want to talk about but every time I go to write something I can't seem to put in words what I want to say! I've always been a better talker than writer and I'm not going to lie when I say my confidence does get knocked quite a bit when I see how many amazing and successful bloggers there are out there. I sometimes feel like I don't have anything new to offer and nothing amazing enough to break into the enormously popular world of fashion blogging, but I guess everyone has to start somewhere.
I'm easing myself back in again with a review of one of the new Bleach London hair dye products, which I have to rave about. Originally I wanted to go for the colour "Blullini" which is a very light pastel blue colour as I was a bit nervous about going blue. As a blonde I suppose I am at an advantage and can dye my hair almost any colour that I so please. In the past I have been red,orange,ginger,dark brown,light brown, pink and lilac, so it was inevitable that blue would be my next move. When I went to my local boots I was a bit disheartened to discover that they were currently only stocking two colours "Washed up Mermaid" and "Sea Punk". Both colours were lovely but not exactly the shade I was planning on going for and after a lot of picking up and putting down of bottles I finally decided to go with my instincts and the colour "Washed up Mermaid". It was still blue, just not the exact shade I had originally intended to go for, but for only £5 I thought I might as well get it anyway. When I got home I sat for what seemed like hours trying to talk myself into putting the dye on. It's not that I didn't want to go blue, I just didn't want to go BLUE if you get what I'm saying. My friend Eve eventually talked me into it and I reluctantly agreed and started to make up the dye in a bowl. The bottle size originally worried me because I thought it looked quite small and wouldn't cover all my hair but as I started to apply it to my hair I realised that the contents actually went a lot further than expected.
I'm easing myself back in again with a review of one of the new Bleach London hair dye products, which I have to rave about. Originally I wanted to go for the colour "Blullini" which is a very light pastel blue colour as I was a bit nervous about going blue. As a blonde I suppose I am at an advantage and can dye my hair almost any colour that I so please. In the past I have been red,orange,ginger,dark brown,light brown, pink and lilac, so it was inevitable that blue would be my next move. When I went to my local boots I was a bit disheartened to discover that they were currently only stocking two colours "Washed up Mermaid" and "Sea Punk". Both colours were lovely but not exactly the shade I was planning on going for and after a lot of picking up and putting down of bottles I finally decided to go with my instincts and the colour "Washed up Mermaid". It was still blue, just not the exact shade I had originally intended to go for, but for only £5 I thought I might as well get it anyway. When I got home I sat for what seemed like hours trying to talk myself into putting the dye on. It's not that I didn't want to go blue, I just didn't want to go BLUE if you get what I'm saying. My friend Eve eventually talked me into it and I reluctantly agreed and started to make up the dye in a bowl. The bottle size originally worried me because I thought it looked quite small and wouldn't cover all my hair but as I started to apply it to my hair I realised that the contents actually went a lot further than expected.
So after applying the alarmingly bright blue dye to my hair I sat waiting nervously for 15 minutes for it to develop, although I could already tell that my over bleached porous blonde hair was lapping up this blue dye wonderfully. When the 15 minutes was up I washed it out (but didn't shampoo as stated in the instructions) I think this is just so you get the full effect of the colour because of course within one wash it will begin to fade. I could already see that the bright blue hadn't really washed out of my hair at all and was feeling slightly panicked to see the final dry result. After drying and styling it up a bit I was pleasantly surprised to see that when it was dry it was actually the most dreamy colour of blue/green I had ever seen. I'm not joking when I say I actually fell in love with my own hair! Whoever named this product deserves a big high five because I was walking around feeling mermaid like for the first few days of debuting my new blue do.
I cannot rave about this product enough to anyone who feels like taking the plunge but is afraid of the outcome. If you're not feeling blue then why not try one of their other colours? They have a great range for sale in Boots and for £5 how can you say no? The other great thing is that if you do choose a dye and it doesn't turn out exactly how you had planned you can buy their washing out liquid which is also priced at £5.
I was planning on trying a few of their other colours including "Awkward Peach" and "Parma Violets" but you know I don't think I'm quite ready to stop being a mermaid yet.
Love and Kisses,
and after a few washes..
Monday, 23 September 2013
Risen from the dead...
Hello hello,
I've taken a little 2 week blogging break (through no fault of my own) as I didn't have internet for the first week I was living in my house AND my laptop had a mental breakdown which resulted in me losing all my files :( It's not been a great week for me and technology. Anyway I'm back now so I've decided to do my resurrection post on my favourite looks from New York and London fashion week, I've picked these two because I'm going to do another post on Milan and Paris when it's all rounded up. For a person who loves fashion I've never really been a massive fan of designer clothes, I know that sounds ridiculous I mean of course I love their clothes and I take inspiration from them, but I can't afford any of the pieces and it's unrealistic for me to think I ever could at this age, unless my daddy was a millionaire, which he is not. I've always shopped on the high street and mostly in vintage and charity shops but recently I've discovered the power of eBay and I've been nabbing myself all sorts of amazing designer lookalike jumpers, shoes etc (post coming up soon when they finally arrive from China!) I suppose I can't deny that if I had the money I'd be kitting myself out in some amazing designer pieces and maybe one day I will be, but for now I can only spend my days drooling over fashion week shows and dreaming..
New York fashion week brings in an array of designers that I love, Phillip Lim being one of them. His collection for this years fashion week was inspired by "all things elemental" which explains his rock formation looking prints on silk bombers and leggings. I've always had an inner battle with myself where my natural inclination to turn to androgynous looks over rides my strong desire to be feminine and dress,look and act like a girl. The great thing about this collection for me is that while the clothes are more androgynous looking than most on the runway, he uses fine silk, pastel colours and beautifully tailored trousers to create that feminine look that makes his clothes so wearable for women, casual and feminine! Here's some of my favourite looks from the 3.1 Phillip Lim show -
London up next, where I find myself spending more time looking at the LFW street style than what's on the catwalk. I don't think I'm being biased when I say that London has it nailed when it comes to street style, it has been said British girls are the most fashionable in the world* and I think I'd have to agree.
I don't think I'd have any room on this post for street style because there were so many fellow bloggers that looked amazing and I couldn't possibly fit them all in, so onto the catwalk..
I found it almost impossible to narrow down my favourite because I fell in love with so many shows, Ostwald Helgason's flower prints could easily turn me into the girliest girl but Richard Nicoll's monochrome goodness was a clear winner for me. Not a designer I'd usually follow that much but with this sporty androgynous collection I was dying over the sheer panel dresses, knitwear, silk bombers and biker jackets. I have so many favourite items from this show that I have to put up this many pictures.
So there you have it, my absolute favourite looks from New York and London, oh my god you have no idea how hard it was for me to make those decisions! I hope you enjoyed this little insight into fashion week if you don't usually look into it and are a high street lover like myself. Now all we can do is wait for someone to copy these and make us a cheaper version!
Love ya's
*based on opinion, this is not a fact and is of course debatable for all my non British readers haha.
I've taken a little 2 week blogging break (through no fault of my own) as I didn't have internet for the first week I was living in my house AND my laptop had a mental breakdown which resulted in me losing all my files :( It's not been a great week for me and technology. Anyway I'm back now so I've decided to do my resurrection post on my favourite looks from New York and London fashion week, I've picked these two because I'm going to do another post on Milan and Paris when it's all rounded up. For a person who loves fashion I've never really been a massive fan of designer clothes, I know that sounds ridiculous I mean of course I love their clothes and I take inspiration from them, but I can't afford any of the pieces and it's unrealistic for me to think I ever could at this age, unless my daddy was a millionaire, which he is not. I've always shopped on the high street and mostly in vintage and charity shops but recently I've discovered the power of eBay and I've been nabbing myself all sorts of amazing designer lookalike jumpers, shoes etc (post coming up soon when they finally arrive from China!) I suppose I can't deny that if I had the money I'd be kitting myself out in some amazing designer pieces and maybe one day I will be, but for now I can only spend my days drooling over fashion week shows and dreaming..
New York fashion week brings in an array of designers that I love, Phillip Lim being one of them. His collection for this years fashion week was inspired by "all things elemental" which explains his rock formation looking prints on silk bombers and leggings. I've always had an inner battle with myself where my natural inclination to turn to androgynous looks over rides my strong desire to be feminine and dress,look and act like a girl. The great thing about this collection for me is that while the clothes are more androgynous looking than most on the runway, he uses fine silk, pastel colours and beautifully tailored trousers to create that feminine look that makes his clothes so wearable for women, casual and feminine! Here's some of my favourite looks from the 3.1 Phillip Lim show -
I don't think I'd have any room on this post for street style because there were so many fellow bloggers that looked amazing and I couldn't possibly fit them all in, so onto the catwalk..
I found it almost impossible to narrow down my favourite because I fell in love with so many shows, Ostwald Helgason's flower prints could easily turn me into the girliest girl but Richard Nicoll's monochrome goodness was a clear winner for me. Not a designer I'd usually follow that much but with this sporty androgynous collection I was dying over the sheer panel dresses, knitwear, silk bombers and biker jackets. I have so many favourite items from this show that I have to put up this many pictures.
So there you have it, my absolute favourite looks from New York and London, oh my god you have no idea how hard it was for me to make those decisions! I hope you enjoyed this little insight into fashion week if you don't usually look into it and are a high street lover like myself. Now all we can do is wait for someone to copy these and make us a cheaper version!
Love ya's
*based on opinion, this is not a fact and is of course debatable for all my non British readers haha.
Monday, 9 September 2013
I'm back in Liverpool...
Everyone sing now "I'm back in Liverpool and everything feels the same!"
I hope you got the wombats reference, if not you probably have bad music taste, kidding. I am however back in Liverpool and everything does feel the same. Oh how I love to be in the city where the brows are big and the tan is mahogany. Liverpool has always felt like a second home to me, well it is my second home but I feel like everything here is just like a bigger version of Belfast, with less craic of course. I'm actually just writing this post to inform you all that I won't be posting until next Monday because I've moved into my new house and my internet won't be installed until then. Lets all just have a moments silence for me here because this is HORRIFYING news. I honestly don't think i'll be able to live if my house doesn't have decent 3G signal until the WiFi is installed! Anyway I won't bore you with any more details except that as soon as my internet is up and running I will be doing a post on my new room and I'm going to start my new feature "Scouse Street Style". I am so excited to get on the streets and take pictures of the lovely ladies and men of Liverpool and cannot wait to show you what they have to offer. Until then I will weep into my pillow and maybe read some of the books that I should be reading for Uni, this no internet thing could be a blessing in disguise. Until then my friends..
Lots of love and kisses,
I hope you got the wombats reference, if not you probably have bad music taste, kidding. I am however back in Liverpool and everything does feel the same. Oh how I love to be in the city where the brows are big and the tan is mahogany. Liverpool has always felt like a second home to me, well it is my second home but I feel like everything here is just like a bigger version of Belfast, with less craic of course. I'm actually just writing this post to inform you all that I won't be posting until next Monday because I've moved into my new house and my internet won't be installed until then. Lets all just have a moments silence for me here because this is HORRIFYING news. I honestly don't think i'll be able to live if my house doesn't have decent 3G signal until the WiFi is installed! Anyway I won't bore you with any more details except that as soon as my internet is up and running I will be doing a post on my new room and I'm going to start my new feature "Scouse Street Style". I am so excited to get on the streets and take pictures of the lovely ladies and men of Liverpool and cannot wait to show you what they have to offer. Until then I will weep into my pillow and maybe read some of the books that I should be reading for Uni, this no internet thing could be a blessing in disguise. Until then my friends..
Lots of love and kisses,
Sunday, 8 September 2013
Karl does Kim..
Kim Kardashian is a bit like marmite, you either love her or loathe her. I have a lot of friends who absolutely adore her and her family and regularly indulge in the Kardashian lifestyle through the medium of TV. I've tried to watch "Keeping up with the Kardashians" or "KUWTK" for short and I just can't get into it. Maybe it's their whiney American accents or maybe it's the fact that their mother (Kris Jenner) is slowly but surely invading and exposing every inch of their lives so that she can make lots of money from it, not really my thing.
It was to my great amusement that I heard Kim and Kanye were having a baby because in my mind that relationship was never going to last. I just think they're two completely different people from different worlds, yes they're both rich but it was a struggle for Kanye, Kim... not so much. She's privileged to the point where I didn't think she could ever be normal, but then look at Kanye now, all that money has gone to his head. When I heard that Anna Wintour had banned Kim from the Met Ball I laughed and laughed because lets be honest, Kim isn't exactly a style icon. She's not someone that the "fash pack" would want around, Kanye on the other hand definitely sees himself as a member of the fashion world. He is particularly friendly with Givenchy's Riccardo Tisci, so this simply couldn't stand with Kanye. He seemed to make it his mission to transform her and have Kim dressing to his standards, with Riccardo's help of course.
After all Kanye's hard work, Kim finally got her Met Ball invite and no one could believe it. Anna Wintour allowing Kim on the red carpet, this should be interesting. The theme was announced as Punk and no one could really put the two together but we waited with bated breath to see what she came up with. When the day finally arrived we learned that Kanye's good friend Riccardo Tisci would be dressing her. I was excited to see what he would put a heavily pregnant Kardashian in for the met ball, and I can only describe myself as being distraught at what I witnessed. She arrived in a finger to floor floral monstrosity that looked like it has been taken from the house of a pensioner and placed on to her body. My first problem was that flowers are not punk, who failed to notice this? I wanted a black Givenchy number with some studs and lace! My second problem was why Riccardo, being a man of fashion and knowing the rules decided to dress a heavily pregnant woman in a floral dress complete with gloves, she looked like a swollen sofa.
I think both Kanye and Riccardo had a vision that went slightly wrong for their woman, that they started to doubt their ability to guide Kim on her high fashion transformation and question their methods. Then out of the blue the fairy god father of fashion came along and did what we never thought possible. Karl Lagerfeld transformed Kim Kardashian into a classy, high fashion and very pregnant beauty.
The photo shoot was arranged and photographed by Karl for Carine Roitfeld's CR Magazine's Autumn/Winter issue. He called it "Kardashian by Karl Lagerfeld", talk about putting your stamp on something. Apparently it was Kims good friend *cough* PR manager *cough* Riccardo Tisci who suggested Roitfeld use Kim as the cover girl. What happened when Karl and Riccardo got together was some sort of fashion miracle because I honestly cannot fault anything about the spread. She looks flawless, she's obviously heavily pregnant but seeing her so stripped down and raw like that is a real contrast to the image we're always fed of the Kardashians. She was dressed in haute couture for the shoot which featured pieces from Celine, Chanel and Comme des Garcons, I bet Kanye was crying with joy now that his lady had conquered the world of high fashion.
To be honest I am a total Kardashian hater and I really should give the girl a chance, she doesn't seem at all as bad as the media portray her and from here on in I'm going to give her a fresh start. Is this just because I've seen her in a photo shoot that I actually like? probably. Asides from this I can never deny how beautiful she is and I would probably trade a limb to have her looks, she may have the looks but style don't come that easy honey! So here she is stripped down and looking every bit as amazing as Kanye could ever dream she could.
It was to my great amusement that I heard Kim and Kanye were having a baby because in my mind that relationship was never going to last. I just think they're two completely different people from different worlds, yes they're both rich but it was a struggle for Kanye, Kim... not so much. She's privileged to the point where I didn't think she could ever be normal, but then look at Kanye now, all that money has gone to his head. When I heard that Anna Wintour had banned Kim from the Met Ball I laughed and laughed because lets be honest, Kim isn't exactly a style icon. She's not someone that the "fash pack" would want around, Kanye on the other hand definitely sees himself as a member of the fashion world. He is particularly friendly with Givenchy's Riccardo Tisci, so this simply couldn't stand with Kanye. He seemed to make it his mission to transform her and have Kim dressing to his standards, with Riccardo's help of course.
After all Kanye's hard work, Kim finally got her Met Ball invite and no one could believe it. Anna Wintour allowing Kim on the red carpet, this should be interesting. The theme was announced as Punk and no one could really put the two together but we waited with bated breath to see what she came up with. When the day finally arrived we learned that Kanye's good friend Riccardo Tisci would be dressing her. I was excited to see what he would put a heavily pregnant Kardashian in for the met ball, and I can only describe myself as being distraught at what I witnessed. She arrived in a finger to floor floral monstrosity that looked like it has been taken from the house of a pensioner and placed on to her body. My first problem was that flowers are not punk, who failed to notice this? I wanted a black Givenchy number with some studs and lace! My second problem was why Riccardo, being a man of fashion and knowing the rules decided to dress a heavily pregnant woman in a floral dress complete with gloves, she looked like a swollen sofa.
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WHY?! |
I think both Kanye and Riccardo had a vision that went slightly wrong for their woman, that they started to doubt their ability to guide Kim on her high fashion transformation and question their methods. Then out of the blue the fairy god father of fashion came along and did what we never thought possible. Karl Lagerfeld transformed Kim Kardashian into a classy, high fashion and very pregnant beauty.
The photo shoot was arranged and photographed by Karl for Carine Roitfeld's CR Magazine's Autumn/Winter issue. He called it "Kardashian by Karl Lagerfeld", talk about putting your stamp on something. Apparently it was Kims good friend *cough* PR manager *cough* Riccardo Tisci who suggested Roitfeld use Kim as the cover girl. What happened when Karl and Riccardo got together was some sort of fashion miracle because I honestly cannot fault anything about the spread. She looks flawless, she's obviously heavily pregnant but seeing her so stripped down and raw like that is a real contrast to the image we're always fed of the Kardashians. She was dressed in haute couture for the shoot which featured pieces from Celine, Chanel and Comme des Garcons, I bet Kanye was crying with joy now that his lady had conquered the world of high fashion.
To be honest I am a total Kardashian hater and I really should give the girl a chance, she doesn't seem at all as bad as the media portray her and from here on in I'm going to give her a fresh start. Is this just because I've seen her in a photo shoot that I actually like? probably. Asides from this I can never deny how beautiful she is and I would probably trade a limb to have her looks, she may have the looks but style don't come that easy honey! So here she is stripped down and looking every bit as amazing as Kanye could ever dream she could.
Monday, 2 September 2013
Autumn wish list...
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Urban Outfitters Printed Band Panama Hat £28 |
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Topshop AGE Chelsea Boots £62 |
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Primark AW13 Collection Oversized shirt £12 |
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Topshop MOTO Ripped High Waisted Mom Jeans £42 |
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Zara Faux Leather Jacket £69.99 |
You actually can't begin to understand how long it took me to decide which items made the cut and which didn't. I think as a full outfit this would be so nice though so decided to go for these items, although I wish the chelsea boots came in black! I think the chocolate would be a nice alternative though, plus I own about a million pairs of black boots already. Sorry this post isn't as long as usual but I'm actually holding off watching Breaking Bad to do this and I cannot hold off any longer. FYI you NEED to watch Breaking Bad if you aren't already watching, it's unbelievably good TV.
Lots of love and kisses,
beauty finds,
Breaking Bad,
Cheap as chips,
Chelsea Boots,
Leather Jacket,
mom jeans,
style blog,
Urban Outfitters,
wish list,
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